Friday, April 15, 2011

two odd moments made my day yesterday.

one. the dellusional man at martin's who said, "i can't eat this oatmeal because there's aids scabs and blood in there." sometimes you just have to cock your head and smile. it was a bad image but a tender moment as i continued to finish my bowl. it was a jarring reminder that mental health is some serious business.

two. the nurse walking by my house, "um... excuse me? ma'am! did you just parallel park in that spot?" (it was between a scooter and a car with six inches on each side. in the least humble way, i responded, "yes! it's my spiritual gift. have a good day!"

1 comment:

Chelsea Vander Kooi said...

Oh, I don't know if I could have finished my oatmeal with that image in mind...