Wednesday, February 2, 2011

"i prayed over every pair of your underwear!"

while hiking this weekend i was let in on a little bit of a secret-- my mother, the super spiritual woman that she is, loves to fold laundry. loves loves loves it. i think it's the repetitive nature? anyway, she revealed that when she'd fold our family's laundry, she'd pray over every pair of our underwear. [WHAT? get out. every pair.]

i don't know what she was praying for and i don't know if the prayers were answered, but this information melted my heart just a little bit. not sure if it's the endearing prayers of my mother or thinking of my now nephews/niece and my brothers' marriages. regardless, it made me happy and i want to remember it.

1 comment:

Julie said...

Oh my gosh! Sacred undies! Wow that is actually really cool.