Tuesday, January 3, 2012


this morning i went on a long walk, came home and did a snow angel in my room. i'm not kidding: i did a snow angel in my room. not because there's snow, but because i can. in the last five years of living in san francisco, i've never been able to do a snow angel in my room.

there's other exciting things on the horizon and i am grateful in days like today that i can read texts that say, "you will never regret making this choice. i am one hundred percent sure of that. if it wasn't hard, it wouldn't be worth it. you are worth it."

twothousand twelve is going to be amazing and so worth it and full of joy. i am ready.


Katie said...

and it's also bringing me this fullness and joy I didn't know I was missing.....you bring a sense of home with you em. and I'm pretty sure last night was reason enough that you will never regret making this choice...

Lana said...

I really like this post. a lot.

and, i really like you. a lot.