Sunday, March 26, 2006

mission: failed.

i couldn't do it. i just couldn't. i didn't know how to ask him his name. for now, i'm just going to call him the chai guy.

the graduation invites are hitting the homes of the invited. they are calling me to tell me how proud they are. is this really a big deal? i guess. it doesn't feel like it, at all.

i am taking the cbest on april 22. assuming i pass, i can substitute teach but the better news is that i can finish my application for apu- a master's in education for high school counseling. it feels right. i only want to work with college students when i'm working for michele, other than that, hanging out with the high school drama sounds fun. jokes.

three of the girls from my section last year are all studying in florence next fall. i am going to start saving so i can visit them. anyone want to come?

three more weeks of tax hell. wooo hoooo! i think this summer's work will be at westmont, filling in at the spa, babysitting, and helping out at a sweet event coordinating place. it will be weird to not have homework. does tv replace homework when you are done with college? i hope not.

so far 2 weddings this summer. i am quite excited.

well, i'm hungry. see ya.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

florence sounds nice, can I come?
i like your blog