Sunday, March 2, 2008

things that go bump in the night.

this was certainly a bumpy week. as jane higa once said in a chapel at westmont, "with inevitable pain comes inevitable growth." that has certainly applied to me this week (and every day/month/year!). i will be continually asking myself "what's my agenda here?" and "what message am i trying to convey?" it is really hard to be misunderstood and to not feel known. really hard.

however! there were many highlights of the weekend:
dosa with some emerging friends that i'm thrilled about.
not for sale stuff with kique.
herbivore with dan q.
decaf tea in church from julie y.
beach blanket babylon and dinner with the students.
bavarian mint gelato with lis, jihae, julie and dillon.
sunday sun in north beach.
the cutest baby outfits for baby farris and baby anderson.
the new plum tree planted in front of the house.

i am grateful for the above. and for my mom, who shared so much wisdom with me recently. in her simple reactions and comfort for me, i have never felt like i've known and understood her so much.

1 comment:

Joe Bunting said...

sounds fun emily! by the way, i'd love to talk to you about your job sometime. is there a good way to contact you? (other than by blog)