Tuesday, October 6, 2009

you're surprised i can't function without facebook?

how about functioning without a microwave?

since the boys and i moved to this not-as-nice-as-the-last-place-house, we've been microwaveless. and it hasn't been that bad. until tonight.

something about melting butter for these amazing chocolate chip pumpkin muffins. i was at a loss. i stood there, looking at my oven for a good minute and a half. this can't take that long, right?

well, i'm here to report that melting your butter in the oven at threehundred and fifty degrees takes about twentyfive minutes. it's pretty much like waiting for your toast to toast when you're in a hurry and already late for work.

other than tonight's experience, i highly promote going microwaveless. it really limits your frozen food intake. (like i really care about that.)


emilykatz said...

my mom just emailed me: "why not melt butter on the stove?"

ahhh, thank you mother. that would have been the obvious thing to do. unfortunately, i didn't even think of that and instead chose to make my life harder.

Kristyn said...

i was coming to leave a comment that went something like this...

why don't you melt butter using the stove?

i guess your mom beat me to it.

miss you already!

Lisa said...

i'm also leading microwaveless life...only b/c the place we rented doesn't have one. I dislike not being able to heat up milk for my coffee. Now I drink coffee black.

Also, I bookmarked your blog on my work computer toolbar, so I'll get to be reading your blog again which is a good thing :)

lori lester said...

I didn't have a microwave all last year. one night I couldn't find my tea kettle and i was really sad that i wouldn't be able to make tea...until someone reminded me i could just boil water in a pot. sometimes its the little things that get by you, masters degree or not.

Anonymous said...

hahahaha this is the best post EVER

Allison sebek said...

who do you live with now?