Wednesday, January 6, 2010

searching for motivation.

on monday talk of the nation hosted daniel pink, author of drive, a book about what motivates us. once hearing the interview, here's what i didn't do: i didn't think about what i teach my clients (the difference between needs and wants) and i didn't listen for my uncle's voice telling me that every bit counts when you're paying down school loans. so what did i do? totally bought the book. maybe it has something to do with my job and receiving a five dollar gift card to borders as a gift of appreciation for my "hard" work. (appreciation or insult, i thought?) or maybe i bought the book because i'm trying to figure out what motivates me. a typical christian says they are motivated by God and his kingdom. i can believe that. but GASP, a moment of truth: that's not me a hundred percent of the time. in fact, i'm not sure i could say it's me more than thirty three percent of the time. rather, i think my motivation comes from approval and God and fear and food and love and the privilege i have. but pink reports the three things that motivate us are autonomy, mastery and purpose. so on i go: the quest for the surprising truth about what motivates me.

unrelated side note: my goal is to be a bridesmaid once a year for at least the next ten years because i had SO much fun last year. thank you kristy for helping to fulfill my goal in two thousand ten. holllllllllllllllller! alex and kp are getting hitched! CAN'T WAIT

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