Tuesday, September 11, 2007

counseling the culturally diverse.

"Unintentional behavior is perhaps the most insidious form of racism. Unintentional racists are unaware of the harmful consequences of their behavior. They may be well-intentioned, and on the surface, their behavior may appear to be responsible. Because individuals, groups, or institutions that engage in unintentional racism do not wish to do harm, it is difficult to get them to see themselves as racists. They are more likely to deny their racism... The major challenge facing counselors is to overcome unintentional racism and provide more equitable service delivery." (Ridley, 1995, p. 38)

and that's a big challenge.


[Anna] said...

Have you seen "The Color of Fear"? It really addresses this topic and is a fascinating documentary. http://stirfryseminars.com/index.html
The Color of Fear is all men - Last Chance for Eden is co-ed and equally interesting.

emilykatz said...

So funny that you wrote about the Color of Fear/Last Chance for Eden-- Brad (Urban prof) shows those movies every semester and my Cultural Counseling prof is showing them next week. Love them; changed my life.