Wednesday, April 1, 2009

recipient of an april fools joke.

when i got to work this morning i had one of these message sheets on my desk. it read: myra maines called. call her back. 413-0565. so of course i called the number back. it was duggan's funeral home. and i was asking for MYRA MAINES. well isn't my boss hilarious.

she also has one for my co-worker to call the number for jenny craig and ask for hugh jazz.


MicheLe said...

HA HA HA ha ha!!! I'm totally laughing! And I normally hate April Fools Jokes!

Lisa said...

haha, did she make that up?! that's pretty funny. I have one too, I'll have to wait until you're a bit older to tell you though.

Jubilee Lau said...

OMG that is HILLLLARIOUS! cool boss you have! LOL!!