Tuesday, March 31, 2009

understanding dementia behavior, part four.

fourth tip from fca: ask simple, answerable questions. ask one question at a time; those with yes or no answers work best. refrain from asking open-ended questions or giving too many choices. for example, ask, "would you like to wear your white or blue shirt?" better yet, show him the choices- visual prompts and cues also help clarify your question and can guide his response.

my addition to this tip: when doing the above it's helpful to think "they might not remember all of my options" -- that will certainly help you to limit yourself in case you're a choice giver. choices are good. they're great. everyone LOVES choices, minus people with dementia. well, okay, i take that back. but you know what i mean. just stick to yes or no.

the majority of the above information is from one of my favorite sources: family caregiver alliance, www.caregiver.org

read my disclaimer here.

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