Wednesday, November 28, 2007

just checking.

i had to retake the myers briggs test. okay, i didn't have to, i wanted to. i just wanted to make sure that what i tested four years ago is still accurate to who i am. i've been having a mini crisis recently and michele recommended i go to usf's career center. good idea. so i went yesterday and i'm going again today. well, it's true. i'm still an e-n-f-j. surprise!

here's the description with my thoughts:

-ENFJs glow with warmth and sympathy. not sure if this is accurate. i'm not a good hugger if i don't know you very well slash i get really uncomfortable if i can't understand or feel why you are upset. i like authentic and genuine, a lot. 

-they are creative and organized when helping others achieve their personal goals. absolutely. but i definitely need to work on my delivery and sensitivity. 

-because ENFJs focus their energy outwards, into people, their main concern in life is for the well-being of their friends. um, and myself. but that would explain why i have no trouble keeping in touch with friends. 

-they make compassionate and trustworthy friends. absolutely (ie: lori lester, anna jordan, shonna sommer, lisa armour, michele mollkoy, allison sebek, kristyn pointer, renee d'amour, nicole palmer, carissa johnson, sarah taylor, to name a few). 

-ENFJs understand people well; they are interested in theories of human behavior and want to learn more. not sure the first part is true but definitely the part about wanting to learn more, ie: studying counseling. 

-ENFJs are natural organizers. it's true. i am. 

-when they see someone suffering, they want to help. true, again. 

-they are the ones who roll up their sleeves and get involved. uh huh. yep. 

-ENFJs value harmony and typically bring out the best in others. maybe? 

-for this reason, they make popular leaders as well as faithful supporters. sure, why not. 

-they are excellent communicators, especially in a public forum, and make superb professional speakers. ooh, juicy. explains why i can wing a 2 hour group presentation.

i realize that this post could be seen as a bit conceited and/or arrogant. however, i believe i have a healthy view of self and knowing my strengths is extremely important to me. one day i will post all the things i'm really bad at. could be fun. (an e-n-f-j would respond that way, huh?)


lori lester said...

i searched google images for my name and found your pic instead...which led me to this post, which made me miss you even more than i already was...if you were around the other night i was going to see if i could drive up and meet you for dinner or something...lets talk soon!

Allison sebek said...

That's so strange because I did the same thing and came across this! So strange Lori!

I miss you terribly. Supposedly the art department is making a trek up to San Fran..I hope it happens :)