Tuesday, July 29, 2008


have you ever played settlers of catan? it's a great board game... and it's fun for me because one) the board changes every game and two) there is a lot of strategy involved.

i think it is worth noting that i won tonight. for the first time. ever. and i was playing against nick baer (when playing against nick, your chances of winning drop by at least sixty percent). go me, go.


Anna said...

I LOVE Settlers! I am obsessed with winning the 'longest road' title, which sometimes comes at the cost of winning the actual game. Sigh.

Megan said...

holla! love settler's. why didn't we play that?

oh wait, we were busy talking about twitter.

Lesley Miller said...

I love settlers too! And I hate most board games. This is a sign that we are all meant for each other.

lori lester said...

i too get caught up in longest road and thus have never won the whole game