Thursday, July 16, 2009

he knows my name.

he's always been one of my favorites even though he's never taken a liking toward me. and he always does the same exact thing: stands in line, smirks and asks for the plain (no brown sugar, no raisins) stuff, with a heaping pile, two scoops please. and a plate underneath. and please don't touch it.

once he arrives back at his seat he spoons the oatmeal onto his plate and folds his napkin just so. the oatmeal gets spread out and he slowly takes a bite just after cleaning off his spoon. everything is very precise. very very precise. he has never been friendly: no smile, no small talk, nothing. i was never offended, always intrigued.

and then he disapeared. for six months. there was nothing i could do except hope for him to come back.

and finally about a month ago he showed up again and he's like a whole new person. (or has a new set of medications.) lately i've been brainstorming with the crew: "what can i ask him today? help me think of something open ended? i want a conversation!" they just laugh at me as i get nervous. today i told him to "take care" as he left. he responded, "you too, emily." i about wet my pants right then and there. HE KNOWS MY NAME?! i think i just died and went to oatmeal heaven. i love thursdays.

**side note: my brother just emailed me and explained that this post makes me sound like i want a date with this guy. FALSE. this is a man who is probably in his forties and most likely has ocd personality disorder. two things i'm not really interested in. at all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i love this post! mainly because you say
- just about wet my pants
- false
- oatmeal heaven.
