Tuesday, July 14, 2009

you don't owe me jack.

i haven't read the organic God, but i've been told i'd dig it. this quote makes me want to read it now:

"The times in my life when I get the most hurt in relationships, the moments when I am most tempted to pull back, are when my expectations are out of line. When I expect someone to respond in one way and they choose another, I get disappointed or hurt.

Jesus offers a word of wisdom and encouragement: drop your expectations. I have interpreted this in my own life to mean that people cannot give you what they do not have.

Whatever the reason, when I realize that they did not give what they did not have, I am set free. In my heart, I can be kind again.

A renewal or restoration takes place when I give up the sense that I am owed something. I am able to give freely, not expecting anything in return. I can put aside the fear of exploitation."

just when i think i know someone, i'm surprised. it's something new, something different. however, when i sit down and really think about it: i'm not surprised at all.

in this next season, i am committing to dropping my expectations and sticking to my boundaries. thanks for the consistent reminder, mm.

1 comment:

Marta said...

I appreciate these thoughts, Emily. My expectations are generally a little (or more than a little) out of line. I'm feeling inspired to pick up a copy of this book.