Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I was going to write about my USF Orientation.

I came to this post ready to write all about my day yesterday but my heart sank as I read "Texas Carries Out 400th Execution" on the front page of BBC. Damnit. There are a few issues that really make me angry and hurt inside; I don't usually talk about them unless someone else brings up the topic, but shit... seriously? 400 humans? In the article, the Governor of Texas says this punishment (for this particular man) is just and appropriate. I vow, to this day, I will never live in the State of Texas. [*Note: Yes, the State of California still exercises Capital Punishment and I do not support it any way.]

I think it is important for me to say that I am not forgetting or underestimating the pain of the 400+ victims/families in these cases, but I have been deeply convicted by the reality of death and violence and I am not convinced that Capital Punishment is the answer to our problems.

Thank you to Dr. Dunn and my Conflict Resolution & Reconciliation Class for changing my thoughts and life. I'm sure the film, "The Life of David Gale" had an impact on me as well.

1 comment:

[Anna] said...

I've always admired your convictions and I'm thankful when you share them :) you're great.