Tuesday, September 30, 2008

insight needed: prop eight.

[informedin08 excluded.]

i need your insight. prop eight is on the ballot and it's sort of a big deal to everyone involved. yes i live in san francisco and yes i am influenced by my surroundings... so that's why i'm talking to you about this. i've checked out the yes and no prop eight websites. please comment and tell me why i should vote yes or no. or tell me why you are voting one way or the other.

honestly, i expect no commenters. just thought i'd ask. 


Laura Ortberg Turner said...

a little late, but . . .
the best rejoinder i've read addressing prop. 8 was not even meant to address it. it was a blog post by seth godin, and it says:

It's easy to be against something

...that you're afraid of.

And it's easy to be afraid of something that you don't understand.


Rebek said...

hi katz. yes, i read your blog. you provide me with many welcome distractions. and to answer your somewhat rhetorical question regarding prop 8, like the good little law student that i am, i say this: from a constitutional prospective i'll be voting "no." it's discrimination plain and simple.

s h o n n a said...

i cant beleive this is even in question. NO ON PROP 8!!!!

this is 2008 people!!!

i want to RIP out EVERY YES sign!!
can you imagine not being able to marry the one you loved?!