Thursday, February 12, 2009

hold break.

last night in patty's class we talked about being held. not so much being physically held but being emotionally held. it's sitting in that place with your client/friend/family member and internally thinking "i'm not going to let you fall." it's being a container for them. it's being fully present. [this might be too touchy feely for some of you. you can excuse yourself from the table now.]

then it got me thinking: lately i've been holding too much. and that's a problem. because then i'm weighed down. i think this has something to do with me not being able to get into the swing of things. or it could explain why my dear friend recently said, "you don't seem yourself lately." which led me to think, "oh that's odd. i'm only holding one broken heart, two grieving hearts, and a confused heart. AND that's not even my clients. let's throw in a little grief and loss, dash it with some dementia, loss of autonomy and sprinkle with depression and loneliness." [sounds like i need to work on my boundaries and expectations. you know, the ones i so frequently speak of.]

so. until further notice: i'm on hold from holding. come back soon. 



Lesley Miller said...

Thank you dear Emily!!

I hope that "on hold from holding" doesn't mean no blogging because I'd miss you.

But, if you come to Sacramento, I'll hold you for awhile. :) wink wink

Anonymous said...


ps- how do I get updates on your blog.